Announcements 2022

Shareholders are referred to the announcement published by Northam on SENS on 9 December 2021 in response to the announcement published by RBPlat on the same date regarding, inter alia, a submission made to the Takeover Regulation Panel (“TRP”) by the independent board of RBPlat, as constituted in terms of regulation 108 of the Companies Regulations, 2011, alleging that Northam had possibly triggered a mandatory offer in terms of section 123 of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008 (“Alleged Mandatory Offer”), (“RBP TRP Submission”).

Following, inter alia, Northam’s submission to the TRP in response to the RBP TRP Submission, Northam is pleased to advise that the TRP has today, 30 March 2022, ruled in favour of Northam’s position that the Alleged Mandatory Offer has not been triggered and accordingly, the RBP TRP Submission has been dismissed.

The board of directors of Northam Holdings (to the extent that the information relates to Northam Holdings) accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement relating to Northam Holdings is true and this announcement does not omit anything that is likely to affect the importance of such information.

30 March 2022

Corporate Advisor and Sponsor to Northam Holdings
One Capital

Attorneys to Northam Holdings and Northam Platinum
Webber Wentzel

Corporate Advisor and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum
One Capital