Announcements 2018

Northam is pleased to advise that wage negotiations at its Zondereinde mine with the representative union, the National Union of Mineworkers, have been concluded.

The three-year agreement (“Agreement”) provides for increases in basic wages for entry level underground employees of R1 000.00 in the first year, R1 100.00 in the second year, and R1 200.00 in the third year, and a R200.00 annual increase in housing/living out allowances  over the three year period.

In terms of the Agreement, supervisory employees will receive a basic increase of 7% per year for each of the three years and a 6% annual increase for housing/living out allowances over the same period.

Paul Dunne, Northam Chief Executive Officer, said: “We recognise the mature and constructive manner in which the engagement has been undertaken. The agreement provides for continuity, certainty and allows all stakeholders to focus on the sustainability of the business going forward.”

2 October 2018